Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shirataki Spagetti Dinner

I've almost entirely given up regular pasta when making spagetti at home and replaced with shirataki noodles. These things are awesome! They take a little getting used to, but what a great pasta replacement! They have 3 versions...spagetti, angel hair and linquine. I mainly use the first two for actual spagetti and then for veggie stir-fry. Low calorie (like realllllly low calorie) and filling. Here is an easy dinner that is low calorie, super filling, quick to make and leftovers for a couple days! I paired with steamed broccoli and then for the leftovers I added the broccoli into the spagetti sauce.
1 sweet onion, chopped
1-2 green peppers, chopped
1-2 T olive oil
Italian spices to taste (oregano, basil, garlic, bay leaves)
1 bag of morningstar or boca crumbles
1 bottle spagetti sauce of your choice (I do 365 tomato basil, only 30 calories per serving)
3 bags shirataki noodles
Saute the onion and green peppers on med-high in olive oil. As they start to cook, add spices. After about 5 minutes, add in the meatless crumbles. Be sure to stir often so they do not stick to the bottom of the pot. Add spagetti sauce and simmer for minimum of 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add more spices to taste. As the sauce is simmering, rinse the noodles in a strainer in the sink. After rinsing, add to boiling water for 2 minutes. Strain.
So low calorie, there is even room for a glass of wine :-)

Veggie Wrap

You can't really go wrong with a veggie wrap and there are about a million ways to make one. Here is what I've been diggin on lately. Layer as outlined below, makes it easier to fold up...can get a little difficult! About 350 calories. It doesn't even really need a sauce but I've been dipping in sriracha. Pair this with a banana or grapes at lunch. Yum!
1 low carb tortilla wrap
Handful of baby spinach
1/4 cup sliced mushrooms
1/8 cup julienned carrots
1/8 cup sweet onions, sliced
1/2 haas avocado, sliced
Small handful of alfafa sprouts


Chocolate Protein Shake - Tastes like a frosty!

Every morning I make a protein shake for myself and have three needs to be easy, it needs to be tasty and it needs to help me get my proteins/amino acids for the day. I've got a few staple recipes but this is my current favorite. Mainly because it does all of the above and it tastes like a Wendy's frosty! This recipe is about 285 calories and 20 grams of protein.

6 oz chocolate coconut water (amazingness in a glass!)
6 oz almond milk or soy milk
1 small-medium frozen banana
1/2 scoop super green foods (too much makes it taste earthy)
1 scoop protein powder
1 T cocoa powder
2 packets stevia


Chia Pod...homemade

I saw this new product "Chia Pods" at Whole Foods and it looked like something awesome to try but the last thing I wanted was to get hooked on these things that are $3 a pop. So I took it upon myself to make my own...I mean, how hard could it be? I'm still working on the consistency but all in all this is a pretty sweet recipe! This is perfect for slamming down a few bites pre-workout in the morning and then after the workout I have my protein shake. This recipe makes enough for me to have about a 1/3 cup serving each morning equalling about 90 calories.

Here is the famous Chia Pod. Nothing but chia seeds, coconut milk and fruit...combined to make a delicious combination that is somewhere between yogurt and tapioca pudding. 

To reduce the calories since coconut milk is fairly high, I decided to use almond milk instead. The ingredients I used are:
8 oz almond milk
2 T chia seeds
1 scoop protein powder
2 packets stevia
2 peaches (can use any fruit really, I tried with banana last time and it was delicious)
First I made a chia gel by combining the almond milk and chia seeds. Once the seeds start to mix, they will turn into a gel (you will want to stir a few times). To make the consistency thicker I think I may use coconut yogurt in the future or a half/half of coconut yogurt and almond milk. But this still worked out.
Then I mixed the rest of the ingredients in the food processor.
Finally I mixed all together. Ta-da!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Choc-Banana Smoothie

Yay, first post!! Ok here is a smoothie recipe that I have tried and am in love with!

Chocolate-Banana Smoothie

1 cup dark choc almond milk
1 banana- frozen
2-3 ice cubes

180 calories

Soooo incredibly delicious!!1 And now I am dying to add maybe some chia seeds and protein powder and maybe even some PB to make it more calories for a breakfast meal etc....